Friday, September 19, 2008


1.I read the article named Hurricane Ike Delays cargo for space outpost. The second artice I read about was titles Hurricane Ike Pushes sea onto Texas islands.
2.The first article was about Russian and U.S space aginces postponing the date of when their space cargo shipment will dock. The reason they had to potpone the date is because Hurricane Ike was gaining strength and Texas was evacuted.

3. The second article was about Hurricane Ike. Hurricane Ike is already posing a big threat onto Texas. 200,000 residents of Texas have evacuted from low lying areas of metro Houstan. Police offficers will be on stand by until friday night and then the people will be on their own. The military has 43 helicopters by just in case they need to do any search and rescue missions.
4.The article that was most disaterous was the second one. Hurricane Ike Pushes sea onto Texas. This is beacuse the article is saying how the Hurricane is affecting Texas.
5. Both articles talk about the effect of Hurricane Ike and people evacuating. The first article only talks about how the hurricane will affect the space center and how they had to evacuate. The second artice talks about how many people of Houstan, Texas had to evacuate.


The 6 crystal forms include cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthohombic, monoclinic, and triclinic. An example of cubic is pyrite. An example of tetragonal is magnetite. An example of hexagonal is ikaite. An example of orthohombic is graphite. An example of monoclinic is opal. A purple flourite specimen is an cubic formed mineral. Zircon is an form of tetragonal mineral. A beryl is an example of an hexagonal mineral. An adimite is an example of an monoclinic mineral. A azurite is an example of an monoclinic mineral. A boleite is an example of a triclinic mineral. MIinerals come in all diffrent shapes, colors, and sizes

Mauna Loa

This Volcano is located in the state of Hawaii.
Mauna Loa ha not erupted. It is slow extension, as measured by GPS receivers on opposite sides of the volcano, continued. The tiltmeters have recorded no significant changes

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mass Movements!!!

A real life example of mass movement is Flows and flows are mass movements of material consisting of large amounts of water which is called mud flows. Mudflows move down slope as a thick fluid. Another is the earth flow and that is the exact opposite it is slow moving and their movement can continue for years!! Tongue like shapes occur most often on hillsides in wet regions.