1. Name 10 stars. Sun, Yed Posterior, Castor, Denebokab, Dubhe, Vindemiatrix, Kaffaljidma, Menkalinan, Muscida and, Zubeneschamali
2. Choose one star. Which one did you choose? I Choose the Zubeneschamali star. I chose this star because it has a really cool name, and it means Arabic for, "northern claw."
3. What kind of star is it? This star is very similar to the Sun, but it is a white star, and is the second brightest star in the constellation.
4. Are there any planets that orbit this star? Tell me about them. I dont think that any planets orbit the Zubeneschamali star.
5. What galaxy is this star a part of? It is in the Milky way.
6. How far is the star from Earth? It is 77 light-years away.
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